If you’re at an event or exhibition on behalf of your business, it’s vital that you’re advertising your brand correctly. This means dressing in professional and approachable attire – either in your company’s uniform or merchandise, or in neat unbranded clothing –, having business cards or flyers so that potential customers can contact you or learn more about what you offer, and having high quality pull-up banners to broadcast your business across a crowded room.
Choose high quality images and logos
When you’ve decided on the pull-up banner style you would like – such as fabric, single, double-sided, or even the desktop size – you’ll then need to choose your own graphics, logos, and images. It is important that you utilise images that are of the highest quality possible to prevent them from coming out blurry and pixelated. Poor quality graphics do not impress prospective customers – Show your audience that your focus on customer satisfaction is as sharp as your images.
The team at Bannerworld have plenty of experience helping people customise their pull-up banners, and we’ll be happy to advise you on the image quality that you’ll require for the best results. We could even assist you in setting up your artwork to be of optimum quality.
Make sure your slogan is short and snappy
Along with your logo or images, the text content will be most important and you’ll need to choose a snappy caption that all of your potential customers will remember. If you’re at an exhibition or event, you’ll be competing with lots of other businesses to stick in the minds of the people walking by – and having a short and memorable slogan will help a lot. If you’re a new business, you will need to brainstorm this ahead of placing your order!
Take into account external factors
Choosing the correct style pullup banner is extremely important. You need to consider whether your event is happening inside or outside? If the event is held inside, you should consider the surroundings, the space allocation, the style of the environment including other potential factors to get the correct style of pull up banner you may need. You can choose everything from a budget to a luxury pullup. If it’s outside, you’ll need to be wary of weather conditions and choose a style that can withstand wind or rain. What kind of signage will best suit the specifications of your stall?
Place your order early
The only way banners can help your business is if they arrive in time for your event – so make sure you place your order with plenty of time for design, printing, and delivery. To find out more about the ordering process, and what kind of delivery timeframe we can offer, speak to the team at Bannerworld.
uYou can reach our friendly customer service team on 1300 959 515 or by emailing sales@bannerworld.com.au